Friday, January 22, 2016

Abortion is a Gospel Issue!

Abortion is a Gospel Issue!

Today--Friday January 22nd-- is the 43rd anniversary of the infamous Roe v Wade decision which legalized abortion-on-demand .  Since that time approximately 57 million abortions have been performed.  The abortion issue is not merely a political, social, and human rights issue.  It is also a gospel issue—and those who love the gospel of Jesus should approach this issue with a gospel-centered focus.

The abortion industry gives a false gospel—a message of deception.  Their message is: “The blood of another will bring salvation from my needy condition.”  This is close enough to be believable but so far away as to be diabolical and demonic.  The abortion anti-gospel proclaims a woman’s “right to choose” to “terminate her pregnancy” for her personal reasons and needs.  This anti-gospel focuses on the wrong needy condition as it seeks freedom, comfort, ease, and the end of emotional pain.  It also focuses on the wrong blood—it is not the shed blood of the tiny human in the womb that brings lasting peace and salvation.

The people of Christ speak a different message—a gospel which is truly “good news.”  This true gospel also says that the blood of another will bring salvation from our needy condition.

But God demonstrates his own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.  Much more then, having now been justified by his blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through him.  Romans 5.8-9

In this gospel we see are true needy condition—we are “sinners” and facing the “wrath of God.”  This gospel speaks of the true blood which brings salvation as it speaks of being justified by the blood of Jesus Christ.  We receive this gospel by faith—by trusting in the complete work of Jesus on the cross for us. 

This message of the gospel is also good news for those who have participated in abortion.  Whether it be women who have had abortions, men who have selfishly stood by (or even urged a woman to have an abortion), parents who turned a blind eye or encouraged abortion—judgment and guilt does not have to be the last word for you.  There is hope in the true gospel because the blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin.  His blood can “cleanse your conscience” (Hebrews 9.14) and you can know peace with God as you turn to him in faith and repentance.

Abortion is a gospel issue and the church must ever contend against this evil with the true and glorious gospel of Jesus Christ!