Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Highpoint's of the Bible: Fall into sin and its effects

* Part of a series of Bible studies on the significant pieces of the biblical storyline.

Part One: Creation

Highpoints of the Bible: Fall into sin and its effects




1.    Understanding the Big Story of the Bible: Metanarrative


a.    Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration—CFRR 


b.    Creation, Fall, Israel, Jesus, Church, Restoration


2.    The Bible teaches us how to read the Bible.  One of the ways it does this is by continually rehearsing the key elements of the storyline as the narrative time line develops.


a.    Deuteronomy 32

b.    Joshua 24.1-13

c.     Psalms 104-106

d.    Nehemiah 9

e.    Acts 7.2-53

f.     Acts 13.16-41


The Fall and its Effects


1.    Genesis 3-11


a.    Chapter 3: Initial act of rebellion


b.    Chapters 4-11: Ever increasing sin and its destructive effects


2.    Genesis 3


a.    Sin brings separation from…


                                               i.     God


                                              ii.     Each other


                                            iii.     Creation


                                            iv.     Ourselves


b.    Graphic representations



c.     Genesis 3.15: vague message of hope (“Protoevangelium”)


3.    Genesis 4: The intensification of sin with Cain and Lamech


a.    Cain murders brother Abel


                                               i.     First murder: blood cries from the ground (4.10)


                                              ii.     “You are cursed from the ground” (4.11-15)


                                            iii.     Driven from the ground and “from your (God’s) face” (4.14)


b.    Lamech intensifies sin


                                               i.     Takes two wives and breaks creational norm of monogamy


                                              ii.     Engages in murder and boasts about it!


1.    Verses 24-25: poetry

2.    Only second time poetry introduced: first time was Adam in seeing Eve (2.23)


4.    Genesis 5: Genealogy of death—“…and he died.”


5.    Genesis 6: Corruption of humanity


a.    v. 5: “wickedness of man was great on the earth”; “every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually”


b.    v. 11: “corrupt in the sight of God”; “the earth was filled with violence


c.     v. 12: “corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth”


d.    v. 13: “the earth is filled with violence”


6.    Genesis 6-8: The Flood and God’s destructive judgment upon a corrupt and violent people


7.    Genesis 9: Sin after the Flood


a.    Noah: drunkenness (9.20-21)


b.    Noah’s son, Ham: despising and rejecting his father (9.22-27)


8.    Genesis 11.1-9: Tower of Babel


a.    Refusal to move into earth but rather “settle” (v. 2)


b.    Sinful humanity united—not for God’s name but for its own name (v. 4)


Culturally collective sin; the energy of the masses in pursuit of autonomous living