Thursday, March 15, 2012

"After-birth Abortion": Interview with Author, Francesca Minerva

Francesca Minerva, one of the authors of the controversial article dealing with infanticide--"After-birth Abortion: Why Should the Baby Live?"--was interviewed on a New Zealand radio program.  The download for this interview can be found over at the blog M and M.  This is the site of Matthew and Madeline Flannagan.  Matthew Flannagan, a Christian theologian and ethicist, was also then interviewed by the same host.  Both interviews are just over eleven minutes each.

Minerva's position seems to boil down to this: "This is an academic debate and everybody else should just stay out of it."  She seemed hesitant at one point when asked if this article was just an exercise in logic or if it also represented her views.  She seemed to shift ground quickly at this point.  Definitely worth listening to in order to see the thought pattern of one of the author's of this article.