Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Resources on Immigration

* The following are some essays I found helpful on the issue of immigration.

Two Theories of Immigration by Mark R. Amstutz

Ten Theses on Immigration by Russ Douthat

Immigration: Can We Talk About This? by James E. Hartley

Immigration: Winners and Losers? by James E. Hartley

A Biblical Perspective on Immigration Policy by James R. Edwards, Jr.

Immigration Policy Must Be Based on More than an Appeal to Compassion by Kevin DeYoung

Thinking Clearly About Immigration by Timothy Hsiao

No One Has a 'Right' to Immigrate Into the United States by Timothy Hsiao

The following series of articles by Alastair Roberts and Respondents:

True Hospitality and the Immigration Debate by Alastair Roberts

We the Church, Us Immigrants: A Response to Alastair Roberts by Robert W. Heimburger

On Immigration: A Response to Alastair Roberts by James R. Rogers

Stay in the Story: A Response to Alastair Roberts by Peter Leithart

Welcoming the Stranger: A Final Immigration Response by Alastair Roberts

There is the important book by Dr. James Hoffmeier:

The Immigration Crisis: Immigrants, Aliens, and the Bible (Crossway, 2009)

Here is an article by Dr. Hoffmeier summarizing some of the main points of his book: 

The Use and the Abuse of the Bible in the Immigration Debate

An interview with Dr. Hoffmeier: 

What Does the Bible Teach on Immigration? An Interview with James Hoffmeier