Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Charles Spurgeon on Psalm 94.20 and Unjust Laws

Charles Spurgeon on Psalm 94.20 (The Treasury of David)

Psalm 94.20 

"Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?"

"Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee?" Such thrones there are, and they plead a right divine, but their claim is groundless, a fraud upon mankind and a blasphemy of heaven. God enters into no alliance with unjust authority, he gives no sanction to unrighteous legislation. "Which frameth mischief by a law?" They legalise robbery and violence, and then plead that it is the law of the land; and so indeed it may be, but it is a wickedness for all that. With great care men prepare enactments intended to put down all protests, so as to render wrong-doing a permanent institution, but one element is necessary to true conservatism, viz., righteousness; and lacking that, all their arrangements of the holders of power must come to an end, and all their decrees must in process of time be wiped out of the statute-book. Nothing can last for ever but impartial right. No injustice can be permanent, for God will not set his seal upon it, nor have any fellowship with it, and therefore down it must come, and happy shall be the day which sees it fall.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Dr. Angel Knobel Presentation: "The Philosophy of the Abortion Debate"

 * This is an excellent presentation on the philosophical arguments for abortion and some of the issues involved.  It is done by Dr. Angela Knobel and was presented at the Thomistic Institute on March 22, 2022.  It is audio only but you can access the Powerpoint utilized by Dr. Knobel HERE.

About Dr. Knobel:

Angela Knobel is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Dallas. She received her doctorate in philosophy from the University of Notre Dame in 2004. From 2004 to 2020, she taught philosophy at her alma mater, the Catholic University of America. Her work focuses primarily on Aquinas’ theory of infused virtue, virtue ethics and applied ethics. Her book Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues is forthcoming from the University of Notre Dame Press.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Dr. Greg Bahnsen on the Necessity of Christian Education: Three Lectures

 * The following links are to three lectures that Dr. Greg Bahnsen gave on the topic of the necessity of Christian education.  When my wife and I listened to them in the early 1990's they profoundly affected us and we chose to homeschool our three children.  The last one just graduated high school!  I hope they will challenge a new generation of parents to take up the mantle of a distinctly Christian education for their children.

Here is a listing of the lecture titles:

1.  Keeping Covenant with God

2.  The Myth of Neutrality

3.  Why Public Schools Won't Work

Sermon: Raising Faithful Children in an Unfaithful Age (Proverbs 6.20-23)

 * This is a sermon I preached at Pella Communities on the topic of teaching and disciplining children in the book of Proverbs.

Here are some more resources relevant to the sermon:

Spanking and the Book of Proverbs (a blog post I did on an article in JETS by Paul Wegner)

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Douglas Groothuis on the Need for Christian Education: Countering Ten Criticisms

Douglas Groothuis
Posted 6/1/2022 on Facebook


Many arguments are marshaled against Christian schools and Christian home-schooling. Those, such as myself, who categorically reject state (public) education as insufficiently Christian, inefficient, and inherently unfair are, in for some lively debates. The objections raised must be met.

Objection #1. “If you send your children to Christian schools they’ll be in a sheltered, hot-house environment and will be isolated from the ‘real world.’ ”

Non-Christian education is what shields a child from the “real world,” the world God created and the world God speaks of in the Bible. Education ungrounded in God’s truth from beginning to end is necessarily poisoned with un-reality. Christian children should be exposed to non-Christian thinking later in their education through a thorough grasp of Christian apologetics (the defense of the faith). Biblical truth must be instilled before error is confronted.

Objection #2. “You should send your children to public schools to evangelize other children and teachers.” 

Soldiers are not sent into battle immediately after being drafted. They require training in the skills of combat. Thus so with Christian children. The young are not equipped to adequately counteract the entrenched secularism of the public schools. Those in the state schools can be evangelized in other contexts.

Objection #3. “Christian parents can debrief their children after school to counteract the non-Christian thinking.” 

This could be called “anorexic education.” The child is gorged with secularism seven or eight hours a day and then coaxed to vomit it up after school. If Christian education was pursued such extremes could be avoided. It is also questionable how effective such a method can be. Can a few hours a week of discussion really neutralize the teaching of an entire week? While an antidote may neutralize the effects of a poison somewhat, the best course is to avoid the poison to begin with.

Objection #4. “We must improve our public schools.” 

These are really “state schools.” We must here squarely face a neglected dilemma. “Public” education supposedly belongs to everyone. We all pay for it through taxes; we all have access to it; we all must send our children there (compulsory attendance laws) or to an “approved” alternative. Yet how can public school curriculum fairly represent all those who finance it? How can it become “all things to all people” It cannot. All education proceeds according to its worldview. Facts and values cannot be separated. Education is not ideologically neutral. Eliminating “sectarianism” (specifically Christian ideas) from state education certainly will not fumigate the schools of religion. The religion of Secular Humanism will simply take its place. A look at the history of state education will show that its instigators, by and large, were far from Christian. This is especially the case with Robert Owen (atheist socialist), Horace Mann (Unitarian), and John Dewey (atheist socialist). Their goals have been implemented and are deeply engrained at every level. On this, see Rousas John Rushdoony, The Messianic Character of American Education.

Equal access for Christian ideas in the state schools (such as Intelligent Design) should be viewed as an emergency measure, not a final solution.

Objection #5. “But the public schools are free.” 

No, they are not. We pay a high price of taxation (whether we use them or not). Because of the inefficiencies of statist bureaucracy, private (free) education is more cost-efficient. No culture can afford to subscribe to secularism (see Proverbs 8:36).

Objection #6. “But how many people can afford Christian education?” 

This is a difficult matter. But we must think according to biblical principles first and foremost. It’s been said that Christians cannot afford not to send their children to Christian schools. They must not relinquish their children to institutionalized error about the things that matter most. Financially, sacrifices might need to be made. The church should band together in this, sharing her resources. Tithing and giving must be applied to this end. In the long run, if state education is dismantled—or even if an voucher system was put in place—more money would be available for private education.

Objection #7. “But so many Christian schools are unaccredited.” 

This may be so. But who is the ultimate accreditor, Jesus Christ or human institutions? We must work to build a Christian counter-culture not dependent on the recognition of the non-Christian world. But this counter-culture should advance the kingdom into every area and so become the dominant culture over time. We are not there yet. Yet we should not sell our educational souls for the sake of accreditation. We must not be “unequally yoked” to apostate curriculum.

Objection #8. “We’ve had some bad experiences with Christian education.” 

Undoubtedly, many have had this happen. We also have “bad experiences” with poor preaching, bad meals, and irritating relatives. But this doesn’t lead us to condemn preaching as such, give up eating, or hate our family members. You are either part of the problem or the solution. If you jettison Christian education because of a few bad experiences you are definitely part of the problem. You are also illogical. A few bad experiences cannot be universalized to apply to all Christian education. Furthermore, bad Christian education is better than good State education. State education (see #4) is beyond reform in principle.

Objection #9. “It’s too late. How can we change it all now?” 

Some thought it too late to deal with the institution of slavery. But it was not. Christian ethics is governed by truth, not expediency. Our culture gives us the context for our ethical deliberation and action but it should not determine them. If it does, we have been conformed to the world (Romans 12:1, 2; 1 John 2:15-17). We must expand our Christian vision, not give in to the circumstances.

Objection #10. “If we disestablish public education, many will not be educated.” 

We forget that mandatory, State education is not as old as America. We did well without it for a good long time. And state education today is not doing a sterling job of decreasing illiteracy as is. Education should gradually be returned to the family and the church, instead of being monopolized by the State. Christians must also open their Christian schools to those who cannot afford to go elsewhere. This is a long-term, gradual solution. We need the fortitude and patience that only the Holy Spirit gives to be successful over time.

Recommended Reading:

1. Blumenfeld, Samuel. Is Public Education Necessary? (Old Greenwich: The Devin-Adair Company, 1981), 263 pages. A scholarly and cogent treatment of the development of public education. Dissipates a score of popular misconceptions. Excellent.
2. Gato, John Taylor, Weapons of Mass Instruction A Schoolteacher's Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling (New Society Publishers, 2010.
3. Kienel, Paul A. The Christian School: Why It Is Right for Your Child (Wheaton, Illinois: Victor Books, 1974), 131 pages. Short, but cogent.
4. LaHaye, Tim. The Battle for the Public Schools (Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revel, 1983), 283 pages. LaHaye is sometimes simplistic, but he exposes just what is happening in the State schools and what can be done about it.
5. Rushdoony, Rousas John. The Messianic Character of American Education (Ross House books, reprint, 1995.)

Sermon: Matthew 7.24-29--The Challenge of the Teacher and His Teaching

 * A sermon I preached on May 29, 2022 at Pella Communities.