* Some thoughts from J. Daryl Charles in Between Pacificism and Jihad: Just War and Christian Tradition (IVP, 2005):
"To attempt to change culture by merely changing its laws is at best cosmetic. Our priority is to change the hearts and minds of people. This is slow, arduous work. That is why evangelism proper (in the narrow use of the term), while important, is only a small part of what Pope John Paul II has called 'evangelization' of culture. That is, we must begin to reseed culture from the ground up, as it were, training and educating our own in terms of broader Christian worldview thinking so we are prepared to impart values to broader culture. If we resist or ignore long-term efforts to educate and penetrate culture by changing the way people think, no amount of 'godly legislation'--or evangelism, for that matter--will ever be able to change culture at root. It will be the equivalent of pouring Roses Lime Juice on cancer." (p. 139)