Below are a few quotations on prayer gleaned from J. P. Moreland and Klaus Issler's book
In Search of a Confident Faith (IVP, 2008). They are referencing Scriptures like the following which all stress amazing prayer promises: Matthew 7.7-11; Mark 11.22-24; Luke 18.1, 7-8; John 14.12-14.
Truth be told, these
promises about faith and prayer are as shocking for us today as they were for
those in Jesus’ time. The reality
of every prayer answered as described in these verses doesn’t match our
experience. And we’ve never met
anyone for whom it does. Since it
doesn’t resonate with our experience, we may be tempted to explain it
away. But we must be cautious to
avoid picking and choosing which of Jesus’ teaching we’ll rely on and which
ones we won’t simply because it seems far beyond what we could ever
experience. (p. 100)
As with most great moral
teachers, Jesus is providing a vision, painting a picture of what a life fully
lived in his kingdom looks like.
Thus, we should read these statements as invitations to a journey of growth
toward these ideals. They should
not be read as impossible burdens Jesus is putting on our backs! Accordingly, the proper response is
not: This is impossible. I could
never get to this point. Rather it
is: I hunger to enter more fully into this, and I will seek and learn toward
that end. Thus, each believer has
the opportunity in the here and now to grow into a manner of living in which
more answers prayer are received than are currently occurring. (p. 101)
R. T. France comments on
Jesus’ command to keep asking, keep seeking and keep knocking (Matthew 7:7-8):
But for all that necessary
caution (not everything we would like to have is granted), there is an openness
about vv. 7-8 which invites not merely a resigned acceptance of what the Father
gives, but a willingness to explore the extent of his generosity, secure in the
knowledge that only what is “good” will be given, so that mistakes in prayer
through human short-sightedness will not rebound on those praying. (p. 114)