* I saw this on Facebook from someone's notes for teaching on the Trinity.
There is a Trinitarian shape to God’s saving acts in the New Testament
a. Jesus’ baptism (Matt 3.16-17 cf. Ps 2; Is 42; cf. Acts 10.37-38)
b. The Promise of the Paraclete/Holy Spirit (John 14.26; 15.26; 16.13-15)
c. The Great commission (Matt 28.19-20)
d. Pentecost (Acts 2.33)
e. Gospel Preaching (1 Cor 2.1-5; cf. 2 Cor 1.21f; 2 Thess 2.13-14)
f. God’s salvation (Tit 3.4-6; cf. 1 Peter 1.2)
g. Adoption as God’s children (Gal 4.6; Rom 8.15-17)
h. New life (Rom 8.9-11)
i. Gifts in the church (1 Cor 12.4-7; cf. Eph 4.4-6)
j. Church as holy temple (Eph 2.20-22)
k. Formulas: Grace, love, fellowship (2 Cor 13.13); Grace & Peace (Rev 1.4-5)